Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Founders Week ENDS today

If you love jewelry and LOVE to save have a few hours left to take advantage of our Park Lane BONUS buys 

Purchase $30-59  and you can add:

1 more item-- (worth your total)--and pay only $12


1 more item-- (worth your total)-- for FREE

That means you can get a Minimum of $90 worth of jewelry for only $42 plus tax/sh

If you spend more---you save more.

Want even MORE value?  Check out our SALE flyer.  You can get items at a reduced rate AND still take advantage of our Bonus.

Check out my user friendly website and/or contact me for more details.

Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Park Lane Jewelry featured on DWTS

For the few of you that do not know what company I represent....(Park Lane Jewelry)

And that we supply jewelry to the Dancing with the Stars show....(where have you been??)

I'm sharing a screen picture from last nights episode.

I was very excited to see our Temptress Necklace on ICON-Valerie Harper.

If you'd like to be one of the "COOL" me for details on how you can own this stunning necklace.

You may now resume your regular activities.

National Cherries Jubilee Day

September 24th is National Cherries Jubilee Day

Who makes up this stuff?

In the event that you care......Here is a recipe for you to enjoy. 

For full discloser---I have not tried it.  I personally do not like cherries except on top of Ice Cream....

I got this from

Original recipe makes 6 servings                    
1/2 cup white sugar                                              
2 tablespoons cornstarch                                                    
1/4 cup orange juice                                                 
1 pound Bing or other dark, sweet cherries, rinsed and pitted (or use frozen pitted cherries)                                                
1/2 teaspoon finely grated orange zest                                                   
1/4 teaspoon cherry extract 
3 cups vanilla ice cream

  1. Whisk together the sugar and cornstarch in a wide saucepan. Stir in the water and orange juice; bring to a boil over medium-high heat, whisking until thickened. Stir in the cherries and orange zest, return to a boil, then reduce heat, and simmer for 10 minutes. While the cherries are cooking, spoon the ice cream into serving bowls.
  2. Remove the cherries from the heat, and stir in the cherry extract. Pour in the brandy, and ignite with a long lighter. Gently shake the pan until the blue flame has extinguished itself. Spoon the cherries over the bowls of ice cream.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Anyone out there?

It has been almost 1 full week since my last blog post.

6 Days

144 Hours (give or take)

8640 Minutes (give or take)

518400 Seconds  (give or take)

Apparently, I'm the only person that has noticed.

No one has emailed, texted, FB posted or called to see if I'm OK.  I will assume that is because I have continued to post on my personal FB as well as my Business FB page.

But it makes me wonder....

Is anyone really out there?  Is anyone reading my ramblings enough to care if they stop? 

Rarely does anyone comment. 

I know everyone is busy.

Everyone has their own lives to live.  Issues to deal with.  Families to take care of. 

Thanks to Face Book, we have almost instant contact with others.  Some things we want to know.  A lot of things we don't care to be a part of.

Are we losing the Human touch?  Human interaction? 

I have a friend that has started checking in on me everyday via FB messenger.  She has her own life and her own issues, but she checks in at least once a day to see how I'm doing.  She is holding me accountable for my actions or lack there of.  I don't know if she realizes how much that small act of contact means to me. 

I wonder how many other people are out there that need that small act of contact to get them through the day.  Just knowing that someone cares enough to see if we are care if we ARE.

We never know what is going on behind the "Mask" many of us wear in public.  We are often shocked when "Celebrities" take their own lives because they seem to "Have it All".  We have no idea what may be going on behind closed doors.  What pain they are hiding.  Yes, there are those that have addictions that cloud their judgment or cause them to die much to young.  But others seem to have it all and choose to end their "Seemingly- perfect life".

How many people in our everyday lives may be feeling lost...hopeless...alone?  They may not show it to the world and you would never know until it was to late.

Take a moment, as often as you can, to reach out to someone.  Take a moment to tell them you are thinking about them.  Take a moment to really listen when they speak.  Take a moment to lend a hand in what ever manner you are able.

Anyone out there?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

David Tutera and Park Lane

Part of my service as a Park Lane Jewelry representative is to be on top of the current fashion trends and what is available in the marketplace.  Today I would like to share another piece of jewelry that I found while doing my "Homework"..

Everyone that follows BRIDAL fashion,  knows David Tutera.

No, I am not in the market for Bridal fashion but I know several young girls that are....

While skimming the web I ran across a post...which led me to a cute baby picture....which led me to DT's site and the following ring.....

Stella.....$99...."This three dimensional floral design cocktail ring is encrusted with pave style pink cubic zirconia accents for a touch of sparkle. The rose petals shine making a statement of elegance."
I was struck by how close it matches the Stunning set Park Lane has in their Exclusive Hostess section....

JASMINE....Ring $29, Necklace $109, & Bracelet $36   (Hostess only)

"Four enormous 5-petal, sparkling blossoms fashion this opulent rose-gold and crystal collar. Rose-gold chains anchor a large, micro-mini, crystal-encrusted flower to your wrist. One amazing single flower makes a fabulous statement ring"

Want more details?  Comment below.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dancing with the Stars TONIGHT!!!

Who is excited for the new season of Dancing with the Stars?

ME!  This Girl!  Can't WAIT!

Yes, I love the show.  I love to see people make fools of themselves or surprise us with unknown talent. (Kelly Pickler, anyone??)

Who are you rooting for this season?

Bill E?

Amber ?

Valerie ?

No matter who wins, the most exciting thing for me is that Park Lane Jewelry will be featured on the Cast & Crew!

YES.  We supply jewelry to the cast and crew.  We also get to go to several of the LIVE shows....WOOT.

So tonight, while you are watching the Dancing....keep your eyes peeled for the Bling.

We have already seen Amber wearing some of our jewelry during her appearance on The Ellen Show!

Keep your eyes on the sparkle and keep reading the BLOG.  There could be a CONTEST in your future.

$36,000 or FREE...which would you prefer?

Park Lane Jewelry has a necklace that is very similar to a $36,000 piece on the Tiffany website.

 Take a look our ours.......

and now the one from Tiffany....

Would you rather pay $36,000 or FREE?   

Contact me for details on how you can receive our Designer Inspired necklace...... and the address where to send the $36,000 you are saving.

You are welcome! 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

What do you do for a living?

Show of hands.....who knows what I do for a living?

Yes, I represent a Fine Fashion Jewelry Company called Jewels by Park Lane.  A Family owned and operated, Debt FREE, 58 year old company out of Chicago.

We have an Unconditional Guarantee.

We have the BEST Hostess plan, Customer Sale and Rep benefits on the Planet.  Don't ask me.  Let me show you the information and make that decision for I did.

My "Job" is to give away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of jewelry every month.  That is how we advertise.

My "Job" is to help others start their own business, earn extra money, earn free jewelry, make new friends, earn 2 trips a year, earn a Mercedes, help others with our fundraising efforts, and so much more!

Having said all that, it doesn't feel like a "JOB" but it is my ONLY source of INCOME.

That is the part that I think people forget or don't full understand.

Yes, it's fun.

Yes, I get to wear fabulous jewelry for a living.

Yes, I get to meet new people and shower them with fabulous jewelry.

Yes, I can help raise $1000 in 3 hours for a worthy cause.

Yes, I can take my mother or my husband to the doctors without getting permission from a boss.

Yes, I can have lunch with friends when my schedule allows and not have to worry about being back late to my office.

Yes, those and many other perks are true.

What people do not seem to understand is that it is the way I pay my bills.  The way I put gas into my car.  The way I put food on my table.

So when someone like me asks you to buy some jewelry ( or any other product), book a private showing with a few friends or to schedule a One on One private appointment.....they are counting on you.  When you cancel or fail to invite anyone to your showing, not only will you be disappointed because you didn't get your free BLING.(whatever).....your rep will take a financial hit.

She may have declined an opportunity to meet with another group of people.  She may have declined an opportunity to do a vendor event and meet possible customers or team members.  She may have missed out on an opportunity to visit with family.

So when you ask someone what they do, and they tell you they represent a Direct Sales company and that it is their ONLY job....take them seriously and respect their time.

What do YOU do for a living?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where were you?

I considered not doing a "Where were you when the world stopped turning?" post.

Anyone over the age of  20 probably remembers where they were on that horrific morning.

Just like when we lost John, Bobby and Martin...or when the Challenger blew up or the reentry nightmare of the Columbia....when Diana died....the loss of John John...John Lennon...the list goes on.

Things burned into our memories.

September 11, 2001

The weekend before, I had finally opened an Antique Store after a difficult situation involving a crazy woman and a cursed yellow house in Tarpon Springs.  I had spent a day at the ER after thinking I had broken my arm.  I hadn't, but was diagnosed with High Blood pressure...not surprising considering my life at the time.

On  9/11/2001, I had a BIL that worked at one of the smaller buildings at the base of the Twin Towers.  When word came that something had happened in NYC,  it was hours before we got word that he was safe at home when the towers were hit.  He'd worked late the night before and his wife convinced him to stay home for a few hours that morning.  That decision kept him from his normal subway trip into the city and the basement station at the towers.  The station that would have been under the rubble.  Those long hours were hell for anyone and difficult for a woman with High Blood Pressure that wasn't under control yet.

I was working at a large Healthcare call center at the time.  We had a TV in the conference room.  The supervisors turned it on and for most of the rest of the day, we took turns going into the room where we stood in shock at what we were seeing. I don't think we took to many calls that day.  I believe most of our customers were glued to their TV's and didn't care about their coverage for that one awful day.

A year later I took my daughter to the first memorial event on Bayshore in Tampa.  It was a moving day until the rains came and washed the rest of the event out.  My daughter, in a moment that has stayed with me ever since said, " Mom-the victims are crying".

That same daughter moved to NYC for six months during her Senior year of college.  I had the opportunity to visit her while she was there and we took a trip to the site of where the towers once stood.  At the time, it was still a huge hole with lots of construction going on.  It was a very eerie.  One of the most moving places we visited was a memorial in the American Express building across from where the Towers once stood.  The second most moving site was a Sculpture that was once in the courtyard of the Tower complex.  It was damaged by all the falling debris.  It was amazing to imagine what it took to cause the dents and holes in the once perfect sphere.

On this 12th anniversary of that day that changed the world forever, I do not want to discuss politics.  I do not want to do anything but take a moment to remember the lives lost.

Where were you?

(If you are interested in statistics,  I found the following list on NYMAG.COM: )

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Pink Army

In December of 2004 I found out that a friend of mine of  30 years, had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

In February of 2005 I received a call from her brother, out of the blue after 25 years of no communication.  I thought he was calling because he needed to speak to an old friend, one that he could share how he was feeling about the news.

Her brother had been my high school sweetheart and is now my spouse.

That is a story for another day.

Loretta fought hard for 7 years.  She "beat" breast cancer but then it spread to other parts of her body.  She earned her angel wings on August 17, 2012.  Unfortunately,  I was in bed for a week with a horrible cold/exhaustion/over use of a human and was unable to attend her funeral.

I wore a pink rubber bracelet in her honor the entire 7 years she fought.  I never took it off.  It finally turned white from all the showers and hand washings it went through.

When ever possible I have done fundraisers and tried to promote breast cancer awareness.

Recently I learned about a program that Florida Hospital has created called "PINK ARMY".

They are enlisting soldiers. Join the Pink Army and be part of a unified effort to end breast cancer. As a Florida Hospital foot soldier, you will play an integral role in bringing education, awareness and hope to the people of our community.   Go to Join the Pink Army   Please use my ID# 28114 when you sign up as your referrer/recruiter.

I'm honored to have a way to raise money for The Pink Army through my business, Park Lane Jewelry.  We have a fabulous ring called the HOPE RING.  It retails for $117 but you can order 5 for only  $170.

I changed my pink/white plastic bracelet for a stunning CZ SIGNATURE bracelet in pink.  It retails for $499 and is worth every penny.  I am offering 5 for only $575.  

Both of these items would be perfect for any Breast Cancer awareness fundraising efforts.  You can keep one of each and raffle off the rest or get 4 other friends and share the costs.  That would make the ring only $34 each and the bracelet an amazing $115.

I am donating 10% of the sales of these items to The Pink Army in Loretta's name.  Contact me with any questions and to place your order.

Please share the information about The Pink Army and these jewelry specials with all your friends and loved ones.

Thank you in advance.  Now go register for The Pink Army and schedule your mammograms!

UPDATE----I had my Mammogram today.  What are you waiting for???

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Flushing money down the porcelain bowl

Today's blog post is a community service announcement.

For the hundreds of you that wondered where I was yesterday when there was no post......

You weren't wondering?


I would have wondered about you.

Apparently my fan base is still in the building stages.

No matter.

I did not post yesterday because I was in the midst of fixing a cluster xxxx of my own doing. As a personal service, I will share so that others don't have the same fate.

Show of hands. How many of you check your bank statement, credit card statement, cell phone, cable or electric bill every month?

Show offs!

Well, I will confess I do not. I have auto pay set up and balance billing on most of my regular bills so I do not even look at them.

Don't judge. I already told you there is a moral to this story so apparently I have learned my lesson.

Yesterday I was going through my on line statements for my cell phone. Those of you that know me personally, know that I am counting the days until my divorce from Sprint can be final.  I was checking the statement to change the method of payment.   That's when I saw it.

A charge for $9.99 for Ringtones


I went back a few statements and  realized the charge had been on there since MAY!!!

Knowing I do not have a fancy ringtone, I contacted Sprint customer service and "suggested" they remove the bogus charges and credit me for the other months.

I will say that the rep was very nice.  She quickly cancelled the service and offered to try and get credit applied for past bills. She said she would send me a text message indicating it had been cancelled.

Knowing I hadn't done such a stupid thing as to order ringtone, I promptly had words with my DH suggesting he not do such a thing again!

Moments later I saw the text from Sprint.   It was then I saw the other texts from the same number.

Had been coming for months.

All the way back to May when it showed the original text from Motime.

On MY phone.

Now before you get all high and mighty on me, I showed 4 texts from me-saying STOP.....I do not want this service.

Yes, I ignored the text I got every month that apparently were telling me to text STOP if I didn't want the ringtone service. I didn't read the text because I thought they were just advertising.   I had already told them to stop in bad.

Quick call to Motime..Requested an official END to the billing......Refund requested....Agreement....holding my breath.

So my friends, the moral of this story is....check your attention to text messages...respond quickly.

And most importantly, if you have disposable income....feel free to send it my way.

OH, and PS...YES, I did apologize to my hubby for blaming him.

I was wrong.

This time.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Musings about NYC Fashion Week

Someone described
my blog posts as "The Ramblings of a Crazy Woman".


You get me!!!

So what, you may ask, am I going to talk about today?

Good question.  Thanks for asking.

I'm going to talk about "Who decides what is the latest fashion Trend?"

For those of you that care, you are aware that this is NYC Fashion Week.  Apparently up in NYC there are STICK THIN people parading up and down run ways-wearing what we are suppose to wear in the coming "Season". 

First of all.....Who put you in charge of my wardrobe?

Second....If "I'm" supposed to be wearing that particular item, why is a SKINNY person wearing it?  Did you make it in MY size?  Didn't think so.

Third....WHAT were you Thinking!!!

In all honesty, I haven't seen any of the fashions.  I know a fabulous girl that lives in NYC that is up on all "That is Fashion".  If you really care, check out or   
The only thing I have seen is the following:
NY Fashion Week News
From Glamour Mag:
"Fall 2013 trend: turtlenecks
"NYFW is the fashion industry’s favorite excuse to put together the most stylish outfits possible, which naturally means that statement jewelry abounds."

"The single biggest jewelry trend was the chandelier earring. Elaborate drops were the go-to item for major fashion impact."

"Chandelier earrings add lots of sparkle and luxury to the most casual of outfits. Pair the earrings with a dazzling ring for a truly extravagant look."
The information about the JEWELRY is what is interesting to me.   
For the few of you that do not know, I represent a Fine Fashion Jewelry Company called Jewels by Park Lane ( here after known as Park Lane)  Park Lane is always ON TREND.  We have jewelry already in our catalog to compliment the new seasons fashions and beyond.  
So NYC Fashion Week....say what you will about my clothes.  At least I know I will be IN STYLE with my jewelry. 


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

It's just a DATE

September 4th


The 4th day of September in the year of our Lord 2013

September 4th x 19

For some people, today will be just another Wednesday.  It is a day of work for some.  HUMP DAY for a Camel.  If it's Wednesday, it's Rotary time.  It's also the day I do my Shop duties. 

It's the first Wednesday in September.  This year, it's AFTER Labor Day so not part of the count down to a long weekend.

For other people, the 4th of September represents a bad/sad memory.  Some people dread the 4th of September.  They start worrying about the entire MONTH of September before it even gets here and go into a serious funk on the 4th.

I am not one of those people.

In fact I am risking the wrath of some people even speaking out about my NOT being one of those people.  There is really only two people that I care if I offend.  I hope they will either not read this post or forgive me in advance. 

(BTW, this probably will not be a light hearted post so if you tuned in expecting the fun loving gal you've come to know over these last two days of blogging.....change the channel and tune in tomorrow.)

My Father passed away on September 4th, 1994.  Quite honestly, I wouldn't remember the exact date unless I was reminded EVERY year by the people who go into a funk leading up to the date. 

Sadly, I was never close to my father.  I have paid a lot of money to a lot of therapists about that fact.  I'm finally ok with it.  I forgave my Father last year for not being the father of fairy tails.  I finally came to realize and understand that he did the best he could at the time.  He really didn't have a very good role model for the job.  For that, I am the most sorry. 

Anyway.....there are people in my family that thought he hung the moon. For them, he did.  They came along at a time in his life when he was mellower.  More loving.  Or maybe that is just their memory.  I was out of the house by then so can only go on my history.

They are aware of how I feel and we let each other live out our own truths.

The part that may lead me into hells fury is my annoyance that they continue to feel like September is DAMNED....a month of DOOM...a month where nothing ever goes right and BAD things happen.
It.  Is.  Just.  Another. MONTH.

No more.  No less.  The only power it has over anyone is what they allow.

I haven't finished reading "The Secret" but I have read enough other books to believe that WE make things happen.  Good or Bad. 

If we dwell on the negative, if we allow bad thoughts to continue to come into our heads, if we --year after year EXPECT darkness during a certain period of time.....we will reap what we sow.

It's just a DATE.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Modern marvels

Thanks to all of the new technology, you have no idea if I just wrote this post....or if I wrote it last night and scheduled it for later release. 

I could be sitting here in my underwear for all you know.

Sorry, that made even me throw up a little.

What I'm saying is, that with all the new technology and other wonderful things that I do not understand, you have NO idea where I actually am right now.  Or what I may be during.

Are we losing the personal touch?  Are we getting to a place where actual interaction with another human is a thing of the past?

I hope not.

Unlike some people I know, that shall remain nameless, I enjoy the Humans.

Well, not ALL humans.

Again, not naming names.

Well, I could because the ones I'm talking about will probably never read this blog so screw them.

But no, I shall rise above those people and remain pleasant.

Crap....saw something Shiny.  What were we talking about? 

Oh yes, personal interaction.

Today's (todays/today's --??? --darn you Karen) question is:

Would you rather do business with a nameless, faceless, On-line business or Directly with an actual  in person-Person?


UPDATE.....this post was written last night.  I scheduled it to post at 7:30 this morning.  It did not.  I have now re-scheduled it to post at 10:30 pm.  If it doesn't post then I shall throw my laptop across the room.

Well, maybe not.  But I will pout.

Update Squared...apparently I didn't know how to correctly schedule a future post.  And now I do.  Yea ME!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Homework and beginings

Definition of BLOG

: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site
blog verb
blog·ger noun
blog·ging noun

Origin of BLOG

short for Weblog
First Known Use: 1999
Now that we have that Housekeeping out of the way.....why am I here?  (More importantly, why are YOU here?  There must be more important things you could be doing? We will discuss your lack of a life or morbid curiosity later.  This is all about ME after all)

I am here because a wise and successful woman told me I should create a blog.

It will help your business, she said.

It is a powerful web tool, she said.

It is your homework, she said.

I don't want to get yelled at tomorrow, I said.

Actually,  I've had blogs before. 
 I Scrap 4 Love.....anyone??  Bueller???
My famous blog during my Home Decor career. Something about a Willow.  ????  Who can remember? More importantly, who cares?  Surely not the Home Decor company as they are out of business. Closing the Home Decor Company to put all their eggs into a Jewelry Business. Which, ironically, brings us full circle to the reason we are here but more about that in due time.

My new blog will be the ramblings of a woman on the other side of 50.  Now before all the young people go screaming for other more youthful blogs.....I am actually a 17 year old trapped in a 55 year old body.  Well, my husband has told me that I need to change that to a 27 year old trapped in a 55 year old body.  Something about the fact my daughter is now 25 and I can't be younger that she is.

Hog wash!

As you will learn, if you stick around, I march to my own drummer.  If I want to be 17....17 then I shall be. 

Well at least until I try and get up off this couch and my fluffy, old body creaks and groans all the way across the room.

So......anyway.....what was my point?

My point is-- that this blog will be my observations on Life, Love, Humans, TV, Cats, Business, Family, Friends and anything else that crosses my mind.  
Occasionally, I will share a Tip or Two about Fashion....because who doesn't want advice from someone that has lived long enough to see some trends come back around the block a time or two!

As for the Title of my new's a play on words....a tease of why I'm here...but we will leave that for another day.   Yes, I know the blog is suppose to help my Business.  It would be kind of rude to throw that down your throat on our "First Date".  Let's get to know each other first.