Monday, September 23, 2013

Anyone out there?

It has been almost 1 full week since my last blog post.

6 Days

144 Hours (give or take)

8640 Minutes (give or take)

518400 Seconds  (give or take)

Apparently, I'm the only person that has noticed.

No one has emailed, texted, FB posted or called to see if I'm OK.  I will assume that is because I have continued to post on my personal FB as well as my Business FB page.

But it makes me wonder....

Is anyone really out there?  Is anyone reading my ramblings enough to care if they stop? 

Rarely does anyone comment. 

I know everyone is busy.

Everyone has their own lives to live.  Issues to deal with.  Families to take care of. 

Thanks to Face Book, we have almost instant contact with others.  Some things we want to know.  A lot of things we don't care to be a part of.

Are we losing the Human touch?  Human interaction? 

I have a friend that has started checking in on me everyday via FB messenger.  She has her own life and her own issues, but she checks in at least once a day to see how I'm doing.  She is holding me accountable for my actions or lack there of.  I don't know if she realizes how much that small act of contact means to me. 

I wonder how many other people are out there that need that small act of contact to get them through the day.  Just knowing that someone cares enough to see if we are care if we ARE.

We never know what is going on behind the "Mask" many of us wear in public.  We are often shocked when "Celebrities" take their own lives because they seem to "Have it All".  We have no idea what may be going on behind closed doors.  What pain they are hiding.  Yes, there are those that have addictions that cloud their judgment or cause them to die much to young.  But others seem to have it all and choose to end their "Seemingly- perfect life".

How many people in our everyday lives may be feeling lost...hopeless...alone?  They may not show it to the world and you would never know until it was to late.

Take a moment, as often as you can, to reach out to someone.  Take a moment to tell them you are thinking about them.  Take a moment to really listen when they speak.  Take a moment to lend a hand in what ever manner you are able.

Anyone out there?

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